Commercial Packaged Air Conditioners
- Nominal
sizes: 3-6 Tons
- Up to 16.2 SEER2/17 SEER, 12 EER2 / 12.5 EER
- One-stage cooling (RACCZR) or two-stage cooling (RACCZT)
- Coil Type: Full MicroChannel
- Cooling Efficiency: 13.4 SEER2
- Nominal Sizes: 2 to 5 Ton
- Refrigerant Type: R-454B
- Nominal size: 30 Ton
- Up to 10.5 EER/14.2 IEER
- Five-stage cooling
- Coil Type: Find and Tube Evaporator MicroChannelCondenser
- Optional PlusOne® ClearControl™
- Nominal sizes: 7.5-12.5 Tons
- Up to 11.2 EER/14.8 IEER
- Two-stage cooling
- Coil Type: Full MicroChannel
- Optional PlusOne® ClearControl™/OptionalPlusOne® HumidiDry®
Cooling Efficiencies: Up to 13.4 SEER2
- 14 SEER
- 1 & 3 Phase Models
- Scroll Compressor
- Nominal Sizes: 2 - 5 Ton
- Cooling Efficiency: 13.4 SEER2
- Nominal Sizes: 2 to 5 Ton
- Cooling Capacities: 228 kBTU to 56 kBTU
- Cooling Efficiency: 13.4 SEER2
- Nominal Sizes: 2 to 5 Ton
- Cooling Capacities: 22.8 kBTU to 56 kBTU
- Nominal sizes: 3-6 Tons
- 3-5 Tons: Up to 13.4 SEER2 / 10.6 EER2
- 6 Tons: Up to 14.8 IEER / 11.2 EER
- One-stage cooling (3 to 5 tons) or two-stage cooling (6 tons)
- Coil Type: Full MicroChannel
- Optional PlusOne® ClearControl™, PlusOne® HumidiDry®
- Refrigerant Type: R-454B with factory-installed sensor
- Cooling Efficiency: 13.4 SEER2
- Nominal Sizes: 2 to 5 Ton
- Refrigerant Type: R-454B
- Nominal sizes: 15-25 Tons
- Up to 11.0 EER/14.8 IEER
- Two-stage cooling
- Coil Type: Full Interlaced MicroChannel
- Optional PlusOne® ClearControl™
- 2-5 ton
- 1 & 3 Phase
- Scroll Compressor
- Unique water management design
- Up to 15 SEER
- 1 & 3 Phase
- R-410A
- Scroll Compressor
- Three Phase Only
- R-410A
- Scroll Compressor
- Three Phase Only
- R-410A
- Scroll Compressor
- ClearControl™
- HumidiDry™ (Reheat) on RLNL-G Models
- ClearControl™ and VFD Technology on RLNL-H
- Three Phase Only
- R-410A
- Scroll Compressor
- ClearControl™
- RKRL-H ClearControl™ and VFD Technology
- R-410A
- Scroll compressor
- ASHRAE Compliant