Important update regarding Works with Nest integration
Laurie Adams
update regarding
Works with Nest integration
Ruud is dedicated to providing the best
protection and control experience for you. At times, partners make business
changes and system updates, which can affect our users. Though these
changes are out of our control, we continue to work on solutions to assist
our customers.
Back in May, Google® made an announcement regarding Nest. They
stated that they were discontinuing support of the Works with Nest program
and encouraged users to migrate their Nest accounts to Google accounts.
Unfortunately, this migration of accounts will cancel your product's
connection between Nest and Ruud.
Ruud HVAC customers using the EcoNet Smart Thermostat will not experience
any loss of normal HVAC controls by migrating their Nest account to a
Google account. If you are using Nest to control Ruud water heaters, this
capability will be lost if you migrate to a Google Account.
Please Note:
If you are
using Nest Protect to automatically disable your gas water heater in
the case of fire or fumes, this capability will be lost if you
migrate to a Google Account.
Thanks to users' requests, Google has
decided to allow current Nest Integrations to continue after August 31,
2019, but only if you follow specific steps. Below are the steps you can
take to ensure that Nest continues to work with your Ruud connected
products beyond August 31, 2019.
Please DO NOT migrate your Nest
account to a Google account. Completing a Nest account migration
will cause Ruud and other Works with Nest integrations to be
permanently disconnected. This process is not reversible.
DO NOT disconnect Nest products from
your Ruud product after August 31, 2019. If you disconnect Nest after this
date, you will not be able to reconnect it. This will also affect users
that choose not to migrate their Nest accounts to a Google account.
No matter what your choice is regarding Nest migration, be assured that all
Ruud related smart features and alerts will continue to be available to
you. Should you have any further questions about the Works with Nest
program and how it will affect your Ruud experience, please don’t hesitate
to reach out to our Customer Support team. Give us a call at
1-800-255-2388, or email us at